With childhood obesity still on the rise, Handy feels that it is time that you talk with your child about making healthy food choices. We understand that you have a busy schedule. We all have busy schedules. That should not mean that you are eating out all the time and making unhealthy food choices. There are places that you can go the food is a lot healthier. There are also menu items that have been proven to be better choices. If you want to get right down to it, you should really be making all your meals. That way you will know what is in your food.
Just because you are cooking at home, does not mean you are making good food. There are literally thousands of things that you can make that will not be healthy for you. The point of cooking at home is that it is often healthier than eating out. If you are going to be cooking at home, it should be the right things. Take the time to sit down with your child and make a healthy menu for the entire family. Then after you are done, make them cook with you. This will get them in the habit of eating at home and not having takeout food.
Baby Steps
You are going to want to start off slow. The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that your entire family has a nice, healthy breakfast. Any bowl of cereal is not the right choice. While some are better than others, none of them contain all the food groups that you should be covering in that bowl. When you are planning your menu, think eggs for protein, whole-wheat bread, Greek yogurt, and fruits. Try this for a week and it will start to become second nature. Then you need to move onto lunch. After lunch, you need to get them focused on dinner. Before you know it, your family will be eating right. Along the way, you are going to want to involve your children. Teaching them from a young age will make sure that they will make wise choices when they grow up.
Make sure that mealtime with the children is a priority. That means you are going to have to make time to sit down with them and eat your meal. We know it is not possible for lunch as you will be at work and they will be at school. However, on the weekends, you absolutely must do this. The first rule at the table is no electronic devices. The second rule is we will talk about your day and why the food you are eating is better than eating out.
Handy hopes that this article has been helpful to you. Remember, it is never too early to start talking to your kids about nutrition. They may not understand at first, but over time we think that they will. Help us put an end to childhood obesity today.